Dr. Anthony Antolini,
Tony, has been Music Director since 1991. He serves as organist and directs seasonal choirs at the church. Tony is a member of the Bowdoin College Music Department Faculty, where conducts the Bowdoin Chorus. He is also Music Director of Down East Singers and the Lincoln Festival Chorus. A native New Yorker, he graduated from Bowdoin College and completed graduate degrees at Stanford University in Music and Slavic Studies. His specialty is Russian choral music. His editions are published by E.C. Schirmer and Paraclete Press.
Our organ was installed in 2003 and was made by the Bedient Pipe Organ Company of Nebraska.
Mechanical action
Great, 58 notes
Principal 8, Octave 4, Octave 2
Sesquialtera II, Mixture II-III
Swell, 58 notes
Salicional 8, Voix celeste 8
Gedackt 8, Spitzflute 4
Flute 2,Cromorne Bass 8
Trumpet Treble 8
Pedal, 30 notes
Subbass 16,Flute 8
For more informations about the Bedient Pipe Organ Company go to:
Special choirs and ongoing choirs
St. John's has special choirs on holidays such as Christmas and Easter. We also have a Sunday choir that learns the music for Sunday the morning of and sits in the back pews singing with and enhancing the congregation. Anyone is welcome to sing in the choir.
Our Clavinova Model CLP-565GP mini electronic grand piano built in 2016 was acquired from Chester W. Cooke in 2019.
St. John's has wonderful acoustics and we have had many concerts here, including groups such as the DaPonte String Quartet.
One of the magnificent things about St. John's is our love of singing.