On Sunday, June 30th we will be celebrating the feast of the nativity of St. John Baptist.
Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Thomas Brown will be with us and be the celebrant and preacher.
We will also have a baptism of Madison Lydia Gorodo, the Daughter of Jonas Edwards-Jenks and Carolina Gorodo.
We will also have a dedication of the new Hawthorn tree in memory of Elizabeth Walker.
And finally we will have a group shot of those gathered immediately after the 10 am service outside the church.
We continue our Wednesday Book Study, and are back to in person gatherings. Morning Prayer is in the Sanctuary at 11 am and then we share lunch together, it is a bring you own affair. Then book study is from noon until 1 pm
Outreach -
We will be having a lucheon on July 14th to hear what is going on in Haiti and look back on our longstanding outreach with Haiti.
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